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Command Manager


New member
How do I get the Command Manager to display the tabs (i.e., Assembly, Layout, Sketch, Evaluate, Office Products) horizontally in the border area instead of vertically in a drop down menu? I did something on the keyboard recently that changed the Command Manager from what I wanted and had (the default settings) to the vertical drop down menu and cannot figure out how to get the default settings back. Can anyone help me on this?
Are you sure that the CommandManager is docked at the top of the screen and notat the left or right side or just floating in the graphic area?
Edited by: Raoul-RW
Thank you for your answer. What you suggested workedto makethe individual operation pop-up menusfor Assembly, Sketch, etc. (after I requested them to appear) go from stand-alone drop-down style boxes to horizontal rows in the top border. But it did not solve my primary problem of getting the Command Manager stand-alone drop-down boxto display the tabs (i.e., Assembly, Layout, Sketch, Evaluate, Office Products) horizontally in the border area instead of vertically ina drop down menu? Any more suggestions?
I figured out how to get back to the defaultworkspace settings that I wanted. I expanded the basic (FILE, EDIT, etc.) menus that are collapsed in the top border by clicking on the small triangle just to the right of SOLIDWORKS in the upperleft hand border. Then I clicked on VIEW > WORKSPACE > DEFAULT.
Edited by: iansomniac

