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Commonspace Server Error


New member

Recently one of the commonspace folders that I usewas moved to a different server and the move should have been transparent to users. I am getting an error when I try to pull files out of commonspace.

View attachment 2837

My admin advised me to "SYN with CS"and I assume that there is a way to re-poll the commonspace directory for the correct file locations. Anyone know how this is done?
<DIV>Re-syncing your workspace with CS is not going to affect checking out files, or addressing this error. Your admin should know this.</DIV>
<DIV>From your description, it sounds like a fileserver vault was moved.</DIV>
<DIV>If it was moved incorrectly, I would expect that all users would have the same problem as you are having.</DIV>
<DIV>Is anyone else affected?</DIV>
From what I have heard I am the only one seeing this error. I have a local copy of the software on my workstation, and I rebuilt my local copy already from the servers and still no luck.

We are in the middle of migrating to WF3 for our production build, maybe I should wait untill that takes place?
The issue you describe is definetly an admin problem! Your adminneeds tore-checkthe path to the vaultfolder and also make surethere is a fileserver process runing on the machine holding the vault.

Btw: it could be that you (lindejos) is the only user of that vault.Your administrator would know this (physical folders are tied in to "clusters" that, in turn, are tied toCS folders). It is all visible in the admin section of intralink, but if your unfamiliar with it, it could be hard to read out the info. So with this I want to say that you -could- be the only one experiencing this.

If all else seems fine, have your admin ping you from the fileserver machine using hostname, and you should ping the fileserver hostname. Communication needs to be there as the files travell across the network directly from the fileserver to your machine (it does not take the route through the dataserver).

Good Luck


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