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Comparision of Two Parts


New member
Dear Friends,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

Good Morning to all. How to compare two identical parts in Pro/E. I have tried Compare part 1. By Feature & 2. By Geometry in Pro/E. Is there any other facility available in Pro/E to compare two Models?
I want to compare the two identical parts, to find out the Deviation Between them.

Thanks & Regards

Babu T
Hi Babu T

One simple method is to assemble both parts change the colour of one part and you can get the idea about the variations.

But this will not give you detail informations
If they are identical, feature by feature, then the compare by feature works pretty well. It'll tell you which features aren't in one or the other, which dims are changed, etc
What is it that you can't understand from the compare feature / geometry approaches? This is the only analysis available - in conjunction with overlaying the two models in a dummy assembly covers all our requirements.

Regards, Greg


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