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New member
Well I know that out there in big world are many competitions for design, and I think for engineering. I know only a few of them so I was thinking that it would be nice to have somewhere in one place all the competitions, so ppl will know, and be able to participate in them.

Maybe in mcadcentral would be nice to have them all so all engineers, and designer from this community would know of them.

Also I know that many of us don't have to much time to spend on this kind work, but then I think that is good to participate in something like that, because if you win then this is something worth to be written in you resume, also other ppl from others companies can noticed you and offer you jobs etc. And if you don't win, but if you are in first 5 (or 10 depending how many pplwas participated)then this is also great accomplishment.

What do you think about it?, I need yours opinions.
Here are links to competitions I know:
[url] /[/url]
I was unable to find official link to that competition, it seams that official site don't work

