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Complet Assembly Turned all White???


New member
Hello all, I am new to this forum.

I am in the process of making a large assembly here at work, yesterday I brought in another part to add to the assembly and when I was done I hit re-build and save as I always do.

When I kept working in the assembly, all of a sudden the whole assembly turned white?? I have never had this happen before, and I am curious to know what may have happened.

Now when I open the model, it comes in as full color, just the way I want, then when it is done loading all the parts, it turns all white. So for now I have closed the model until I can figure out what has happened. It is hard to work with the model when it is all white.

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!!!!! Thanks.
Try to delete the last part (save it before) then make it again and place into your assembly. If that don't fixyour problem,I think you have a computer problem (not enough memory, too slow etc.).

Good luck !
Make sure your video card is supported by SolidWorks.

Also, check the advanced settings, as many cards have application-specific settings.Sometimes there's a pull-down menu in the video card software that you can select SolidWorks- and it will optimize the settings for Solidworks.
Well I worked with the model for a while, I did delete the part I loaded that made it turn all white, it fixed nothing. So then I supressed a bunch of parts and hit re-build and nothing happened.

I contacted the I.T. person here and they are going to update the cards in the computer to help it out, although this computer does run solidworks fine, except for that issue.

I did however fix the problem, it was part of my own doing. If you go into "tools/options/system options/assemblies" and I chose large assembly mode, and load everything lightweight, and I set the large assembly components to 30. So after 30 parts have been loaded it will go into large assembly mode.

After I chose that, I chose apply and save, then went back into the model and all of the colors came back!!

Thanks for the responses, I hope that this might help someone else.

