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Complex assemblies - same part file names


New member
Hello, SW experts and users!

While trying to put a complex assembly together, I stumbled on a problem, andI am not sure whether it is a bug or a question of following rules and settings. Here is a description of the issue:

I am using SolidWorks 2007 SP 0.0

I am designing an engine,and I have a lot of parts and sub-assemblies organised in different directories.Some parts have the same filenames, but they are of coursein different directories. I need to put together the final assembly of the engine, so Istarted insertingthedifferent parts and sub-assemblies one by one. Here comes the problem: When I try to insert a sub-assembly which contains a part with the same filename (but from a different directory) as an existing partin the final assembly, SW reports a conflict and asks whether I want to use the part anyway or not. If I choose not to use it, the sub-assembly is inserted in the final assembly, but without that part. If I choose to insert the part, SW, without any further asking, inserts the sub-assembly not with the part referenced in the sub-assembly, but the part with the same filename which is located in the directory of the final assembly. Of course, I could then replace the part with the correct one, but that would be a ridiculously work and time consuming solution if I have many such instances.

Here is the situation again more schematically:


In directory c:\A:

Part P1 in file 'part_bolt.prt'

Sub-assembly SA containing part P1

In directory c:\B

Part P2 in file 'part_bolt.prt'

Final assembly FA containing P2


Insert SA in FA (FA is opened)


Conflict message from SW with a choice to either ignoreP1 (Cancel) or insert it anyway.

If 'Cancel' is selected, SA is inserted in FA but without P1.

If to insert anyway is selected, SA is inserted in FA, but P1 in SA is replaced with P2.

Has anyone encountered such an issue and is there a solution, other than picking unique filenames for every single part, or is it a bug?

Thank you very much!

