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Component window in assy


New member
Hi all,

Back in the good old days before WF, when you assembled a component you could click on the button in the comonent placement window, which allowed you to show a separate small window for the component you were assembling. That way you could add constraints on the component being assembled in its own window. This window would also pop up, regardless of whether you had the part already in a main window. Now when I click the "show component in its own window" button and that component is already in a main window, it switches me over to the main window. From there I can resize the window so I can still select my components in the assy, but this is a real hassle. Is there a good work around for this?

Hey mprice214,

This is a known bug in Wildfire 2.0. I don't think there is any good fix for it. The PTC TAN article simply gives the blanket statement "
This will be resolved in a future release of Pro/ENGINEER.". For all those interested the article is TAN#129847. I will reproduce it below for all those without active maintenance.

--Start TAN Report--
<h3>Solution Details - TAN</h3>

<table ="boundedTop indent20">
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Number</th>
<td valign="top">129847</td>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Type</th>
<td valign="top">TAN</td>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Created Date</th>
<td valign="top">08-Jun-2005</td>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Last Updated</th>
<td valign="top">30-Jan-2006</td>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Title</th>
<td valign="top">The
Component Window Falls Behind The Main Window When Assembling
Components Using The Display Component In Separate Window Option</td>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Details</th>
<td valign="top">

Additional Information
<div ="indent10">



When assembling a component using the option to display the component
in a separate window, the component window falls behind the main window
and Pro/ENGINEER must be minimized and maximized to get the window back.

Alternate Technique





This will be resolved in a future release of Pro/ENGINEER.


<h3>Affected Products</h3>

<table ="boundedTop indent20">
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Product</th>
<td valign="top">Pro/ENGINEER</td>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Module</th>
<td valign="top">ASSEMBLY</td>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Reported Release</th>
<td valign="top">Wildfire 2.0</td>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Reported Datecode</th>
<td valign="top">M120</td>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Resolved Release</th>
<td valign="top">Not Available</td>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Resolved Datecode</th>
<td valign="top">Not Available</td>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Affected Client</th>
<td valign="top">All Windows</td>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Affected Server</th>
<td valign="top">Not Available</td>

<h3>Related Documents</h3>

<table ="boundedTop indent20"><t><tr>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Type</th>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Number</th>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Status</th>
<th ="nowrap" valign="top">Description</th>

<tr><td colspan="4" align="center">
None Available</td></tr></t></table>--End TAN Report--

Hope this helps.
Thanks acook. I should have known better. Thanks for the info and also the other input you've provided on this forum.

