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Hi All,

To send Pro/E files by mail we tend to compress output files. Compressed files are slower to read and write. So, once the transfer is done can we take them to normal size (which are not slower to read and write) and make them behave as normal models!!!


Rudresh - what I have done with large files is to suppress all features except the first few and save the file. This will take the size down alot. Then when the file is opened on the other end they just have to unsuppress all.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the replies, I know these techniques, but I am sending my models to my client! I do not like asking him to resume all hundreds of features and verify tens of instances. I don
I am not aware of any different methods considerably reduce file size. If email file size is your issue then perahps consider download links via your website ?
Has any body tried to send Proe neutral file? It will be devoid of all feature history but will represent a complete solid. Though I am not sure how it handles Annotations.
Has any body tried to send Proe neutral file? It will be devoid of all feature history but will represent a complete solid. Though I am not sure how it handles Annotations.

Just nw i tried, it removes all the default datum planes, annotations, exploded state, X-sectionand user defined colors and textures,
Edited by: Asho Pulsar

