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Computed Tomography


New member
I was hoping that somebody had some information on using CT scanning to create models. Some of the CT scanners I have looked at will scan and create the stl model file. Not sure how clean the stl file is. I called PTC about their Reverse Engineering package but I'm not sure I need it. Because If I dont need to do any cleaning of the facet model then do I need to spend $16,995?
any experience I;ve had with CT data always involved sections -generally taken from "Mimics" software -if yo ucan get sectios data in X, Y and Z it should be all you need.

but if you do have facet geometry - all the better

use "independant geometry" to create sections where you want to build up your curve network and use a visual underlay to create your real curves - works great! and depending on the size of your part, yo ucan generally achieve a .1 - .2mm accuracy.


