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Concerning the weight

First of all this question is related to Modeling or Drawings but not CAD administration.

Second, which release of ProE are you using?

All you need is a combination of start part, start assembly and start drawing for both part and assembly and a corresponding format.

We have this combination and we are happy with it. I you need I will send our sample files.

Regenerating a part due to a geometrical change and getting the mass/volume/density to update has always been a sore point in Pro. You never say what version of Pro you are on, so here is the Wildfire version.

Manual way: "Tools>Model Player", highlight "regenerate features", go to the very beginning of the part and choose finish. Basically regenerating all features. Choose "Edit>Setup>Mass Properties" and choose "Generate Report". Go to the drawing and choose "View>Update>All Sheets". Your values should be correct.

Automated way: Create a mapkey that does the following: Create an analysis feature, name it, choose "Model Analysis", "Next", choose "Volume or Mass or both. Create the feature. Move the feature to the model tree footer. Right click the analysis feature you just created and choose "Move to Footer". The analysis feature will be the last feature to regenerate. You will find when you modify your part and do an info on the analysis feature, the parameters Mass and Volume update. The reason I said to name the feature is you can always use the same textual information on your dwg's: To display mass as text using &MASS:FID_MASS if you named the analysis feature MASS. You could also put the volume on the dwg: &VOLUME:FID_MASS
Here'ssomething else you can try. Go to the config options andadd mass_property_calculate....set to 'automatic' AND mp_calc_level ....set to 'all models'. It seemed to work for me but can be a pain because it will add to regen time which it normally wouldnt do. I disabled them when I didnt need them.


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