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cone with dx, dy


New member
Hi to all
I'm trying to draw a cone but not from the same center
I need something very different as is Blend to do that , because the first cicle is in different angle from second
Anyone knows how to achieve that?

Thanks in advance
I can not understand the drawing that you posted. Here is what I think you can do. draw a circle curve for the bottom of your cone. Create a new plane on the angle and distance you want the top of the cone and draw the second circle. You then use boundry blend to make the cone shape. Not sure if this is what you are trying to do but the best I can give you with the info provided.
<a style="font-weight: bold;" name="185227"></a>HyDrageNEven though I could not see the attached picture you put because when I go to the link it promotes me_Domain unregistered_, but I think the solution is here. If you can send me the picture to my e-mail:" [email protected]" I think that this would be much better.
View attachment 5092
Sorry for my bad english. i don't speak good :\

The solution was with to oval from different center and different datum planes (different angles)
Thanks all for your replies , I appreciate that

Now i have another problem
On that cone, i created a new surface with Style tool and when i'm going to do Drawing i can't dimension that surface

So now i need to take that surface (copy from part) and i must create one new part with the same dimensions
How i do that ?
I tried Copy Geometry but really i don't know how it works this command :\

