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Where do I find the file and how doI enter search_path_file text.I'm trying to associate different partsin different directories intoan assembly.I'm fairly new at this and am not familar with the "config" file.
When you start Pro/E it looks for file in[loadpoint]/text folder. For me it's C:/Program Files/proeWildfire2-M240/text. If it can't find one it then looks in your login directory followed by your startup directory.

Your best way to edit is from within Pro/E. Use Tools, Options. You're then looking at your config file. Use the drop down and you'll probably seeone saved and one for the current session.

The option for specifying a search path is "search_path". The value should be the folder path. You'll need one entry for every folder from which you want to retrieve parts. When you've specified them don't forget to hit apply.

There's lots of info on under the help menu within Pro/E.

Hope that helps.

Edited by: kwillo

