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.config file

First file extension which is .config are files used to configure the initial settings for some computer program. They are used for userapplication,server process and operating system settings.

second one is database template library which provide portably so the abstraction can run on multiple platforms and C++ compilers.
Config is for the configuration or settings for your modelling like colors, datum displays, etc., while dtl is for drawing settings like dimensions, txt fonts..
ronneilbucago is right about dtl extension and is in your X://Program Files\proeWildfire 4.0\formats and file name is prodiagram.dtl and in which if u change string value opening in notepad it will change arrows,lines etc.

and same extension is also used for programming algorithms to run that file on different environments and platforms.(vista,xp,2000,linux and different compiler support ) in Pro|E is a text file with options that control the overall Pro|E program and how it works. Actually, you can use any file name you want with a *.pro extension.

The *.dtl is drawing set up file which controls options for the drawings you create. This file can have any file name and be located anywhere. There is a *.dtl file in the location that amil2185 mentioned, but I'm not sure if that's the default or not. The file name indicates that it is used specifically for Pro|DIAGRAM, but I'm not sure.

I don't think there's a standard *.dtl file anywhere, just as there's no standard file out of the box. Pro|E uses the default internal settings unless you create your own files for Pro|E to use.

Your files will be read at Pro|E start up if placed in the <install drectory>/tex folder, the user's home folder or the folder specified by the 'Start In' field in the shortcut used to launch Pro|E.

Pro|E will use your *.dtl file if you place this option in your file:

drawing_setup_file <full path to the *.dtl file>

Once a *.dtl file is applied to a drawing, either at creation or manually, any changes to the *.dtl file on disk are nto applied to the drawing unless the *.dtl file is reloaded.

