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config. pro,config. win& config. dtl


There is a configuration file that drives the behavior of Pro/ENGINEER. This file is called When you launch Pro/ENGINEER, the software automatically reads in this file from two locations, in the following order:

Loadpoint\text Directory (C:\ptc\proewf2\text, for example)
A couple of additions:

There's a special config file for options you don't want users changing. It's named config.sup and must be in that first folder. No options in that file can be changed by later files. Because of this, DON'T put options like mapkey that can have multiple instances in the config.sup.

Also, & files will also be loaded automatically from the user's home directory, after the text folder and before the start up folder.

Multiple files can also be loaded, just like The are additive. They don't behave very predictably if both files modify the same toolbar or menu, however.

DTL files are drawing setup files. All the options controlling a drawing are in that file. Set these options to use them:
<LI>drawing_setup_file Sets the default setup file for new drawings created from scratch. New drawings fro a template carry the DTL settings from the template.</LI>
<LI>pro_dsl_setup_Dir Sets folder where your dtl files reside. You may have several for inch dims, mm dims, dual dims, etc.</LI>[/list]

DTL files are only read when the drawing is created or if loaded manually. If changes are made in the file on disk, it will NOT be reflected in existing drawings.
Thanks you guys

this was a interview question to one of my friend


