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Configuration problems


New member
Hello everybody,

I need some help with my wf4 configuration setup.
First I need to know how can I automatically load from a certain directory on proe startup.

Second, I have pro_unit_sys set up for mmNs but it doesn't work at all at startup. New models are still set up in inch. How can I solve this?

Thank you.
if you have shortcut icon on desktop (for example) in properties you need to fill in where is you config(*.pro) file and fill in START IN with the path.

also you need to set up pro_unit_lenght and pro_unit_mass
otherwise is better to use startparts made acc. your needs
No.1 Works. Thanks a lot.

No.2 is still a problem. I have set:
pro_unit_length: unit_mm
pro_unit_mass: unit_gram
pro_unit_sys: mmns

Am I missing something. New parts come in Inch Lbm second
step nmbr.1 check *.pro file if there are units correctly stored
2. check, if you load exactly this one config file
3. it must work :)
4. if not post here config file

I am sure it is loaded at startup (I made some tests)

I am uploading the config gile so you can check.The content of the file looks like this:

pro_unit_length unit_mm
ang_units ang_deg
pro_unit_mass unit_gram
pro_unit_sys mmns
system_colors_file C:\Configuratii\syscol.scl
display_axes no
display_points no
display_planes no
display_annotations no
drawing_setup_file c:\configuratii\Active Drawing.dtl
mdl_tree_cfg_file c:\configuratii\tree.cfg
display_coord_sys no
spin_center_display no
show_shaded_edges yes
mapkey c @MAPKEY_LABELcolors;~ Command `ProCmdViewAppearances`;
mapkey e @MAPKEY_LABELextrude;~ Command `ProCmdFtExtrude` ;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `chkbn.extrev_1_placement.0`1 ;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `extrev_1_placement.0.0` `PH.Sketch`;
mapkey r @MAPKEY_LABELrevolve;~ Command `ProCmdFtRevolve` ;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `chkbn.revolve_1_placement.0`1 ;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `revolve_1_placement.0.0` `PH.Sketch`;
mapkey s @MAPKEY_LABELmeasure_distance;~ Command `ProCmdNaMeasureDistance`;
mapkey d @MAPKEY_LABELmeasure_diameter;~ Command `ProCmdNaMeasureDiameter`;
mapkey z @MAPKEY_LABELunhide_all;~ Command `ProCmdViewShowAll`;

I have to mention that in order to be automatically loaded I had to rename the file to

It was just a guess but it worked just fine.
it shoul has name

another point, if you strat new model, do yoou use default template? if so , is the template correctly stored and set up?

try it with empty one
Ok. Without the default template it works.

Now how can I customize and correctly save the default template?

I need to save it in my configuration directory so I need to know if there is any statement to automatically load the template.

Thank you
Ok. But how can I set up the default template so that when I click new part (with the "Use default template" on) it appears in mmNs.

Pro/E will load config info in the following order:

  1. config.sup in the /text folder of the Pro/E loadpoint. (config.sup is a special config file where entries in it cannot be changed by other config files o even later entries in the config.sup. Use sparingly.)
  2. in the /text folder of the Pro/E loadpoint.
  3. in the user's 'home' directory as defined by the OS (in Windows it's an environment variable)
  4. in the'start in' folder as set with the properties dialog for the icon used to launch Pro/E
The first of the two options above define where Pro/E looks for templates, or 'start parts'. These options let you define the default start models explicitly (which should reside in the start model directory):

<div style="margin-left: 40px;">template_designasm path\to\start.asm
template_drawing path\to\start.drw
template_solidpart $proe_libpath\to\start.prt
template_sheetmetalpart path\to\start_smt.prt
Of course, change you paths and file names to suit your environment.

Edited by: dgs
ovi_gm said:
Ok. But how can I set up the default template so that when I click new part (with the "Use default template" on) it appears in mmNs.

You have to open the template file, make the changes and save it.

