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Confused about referencing


New member
Hi All,

I'm modelling a pair of tongs. Each "arm" consists of two parts (the handle and the grip).Normally to model this I would build allthe surfaces in a skeleton part, then copy and pastethose surfaces into the individual parts and then useedit > solidify. This way I canmake additions (likeholes, etc)to an individual arm, yet both handles still associate with the reference surfaces in the skeleton part.

The problem is that with this modelI need to use sheetmetal for the arms, and I can't make make surfaces with that. After looking around this forum I tried a "mirrored merge", but that also mirrors features I add after the mirrored mergewhich I don't want.

I need the shape of each arm to be the same,but I also need to be able to make a few holes and bends to a single handle.

Thanks for your help, and sorry if it's a silly question


Howiep - I believe that you can model the first arm to where you want in to mirror. Create an assembly and assemble the first arm.Then create a new component with sub-type Mirror. In the Mirror type menu you can uncheck geometry dependent. This may be what you want.

Thanks everyone, I've just fudged my way around the problem using cuts and extrudes. It's messy but it works.

krow72 - If I uncheck geometry dependant I think it meanschanges I make to original part don't get applied to the mirror part. That would't work for me.

Anyway, it's fixed now so thanks for the help again.

you can do a surface modell as your skelton part, then copythe surfs to the individual arm... (solidify and so on..) and then convert the arms to sheetmetal parts and add walls and stuff there..

Then the arms will update if you do any changes in your skeleton.


