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connecting two volume entities together..


New member
Hey all, I do undergrad research at Georgia Tech in Biomedical
Engineering in the cardiovascular fluid mechanics lab. One side
project I've taken on requires me to connect volumetric cylinder to
another volume entity (it doesn't matter the geometry for the sake of
asking this question).

How do you reccomend I go about doing this? Basically, it's a
model of a child's heart, and I'm trying to attach one of the greater
vessels to it (the cylinder) so I can run some computation fluid
dynamics simulations on it...but I can't figure out how to make the two
volumes combine. I'm not 100% familiar with Pro-E yet (just
started using it a couple of months ago).


Edited by: juiceman
assemble the two volumes by usual assembly constraints.

Also you can merge the two volumes in part mode.

send me the two volumes or their dimensions and I will do it for you.

Thank you...I will give it a try myself, since it is something I will
have to do continuously for my project.

Try creating a new part then use merge from other model because you cannot redefine the merge if it's from assembly while using merge from other model you can redefine it and modify any dimensions.hope it helps

hey how abt creatinmg the parts and using teh blend option .... create different surfaces and blend thme together...

hope this helps

