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Constant Belt length


New member
Hi, I have got a problem. I need to make an assemlby or maybejust part (am not sure) to simulate real belt. As we know the realbelt have constant length. I need to keepthe length ofbeltconstant when am positioningpulley in the middle up and down.So the position of theweight at the end ofbelt must bein relation withposition of the pulley in the middle to simulate real length of the belt.Am trying to dothis with relations andanalysesbutam not lucky with this. Probably am doing something wrong. I think that it could bedone in assemby with Motion Skeletonfunctionality but it woult bemuch complicated but flexible.

Can anyody help me with this please ?
Edited by: Miko
I don't have a lot of time top elaborate, but look at the perimeter dimension in sketcher.

Create your sketch, fully dimension, select the entities you want to control the length of, go to edit -> convert to -> perimeter and pick the dim that you want Pro|E to vary.
it doesnt work that way.... but I have got solution with relations and partiallength analyses..
I would create a part from within the assembly. Within the part, create a parameter called length, and enter the desired length. Then bust out your geometry book from high school.

Do the necessary math, and double check it! Use parameters as often as possible, all driven from the assembly. Then drive the length of rope which is suspending the ball as a function of your geometry, and ultimately your length paramter.

It'll take a bit of calculator work up front (and maybe some helpful driven dimensions!), but I think this is pretty straight forward. Miko's method is the same as mine I presume, except he uses Pro/E to determine the arc lengths, whereas I propose you perform the real math.

Let us know how this works out.

