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constraint icons in sketcher on toolbar


New member

I'd like to have the sketcher icons for constraints (like tangent, parallel, horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, ...) on the main toolbar in sketcher instead of in a subwindow. The single icons are not available when customizing the environment

Is it possible somehow? I'm on WF4 M080...
make a mapkey for each constraint, copy the icon image of
the real one and paste it as the icon for your mapkey.
In WF2 and later you can create flyout icons right below the mapkey icon listing there is a new menu option that has 2 options just click and drag text to use.

new menu - pull down menus
new flyout - empty flyout icon that other icons can be dragged to and reordered within.

This might help save screen space but I'm not sure if you can prevent the 9 icon window from being displayed. My mapkey just hits constrain and moves it to a easier to access location.

In WF4 and earlier I believe Customize screen only lets you customize the sketch environment from a sketch .sec file and not Part Mode. Just hit new > sketch and then go to Customize screen mode. Not sure if this is still the case in WF5?

In WF2 ,3, & 4 Customize screenallows you to customize the sketch environmeentin part mode when creating a sketch feature but not when the sketch is an internal sketch.

