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Constraint: Use Edge?


New member
Hey, I'm fairly new to Creo and I'm working on revising a bunch of existing parts and drawings.

This constraint keeps coming up, hovering over it says it's called "use edge: strong", but I can't figure out how to create this constraint or find any information on it on the web

How would I go about making this constraint, how is it best used and what are it's drawbacks? Any info on it would help. Thanks.

Hey, I'm fairly new to Creo and I'm working on revising a bunch of existing parts and drawings.

This constraint keeps coming up, hovering over it says it's called "use edge: strong", but I can't figure out how to create this constraint or find any information on it on the web

How would I go about making this constraint, how is it best used and what are it's drawbacks? Any info on it would help. Thanks.

View attachment 6579

There used to be an option called "use edge" which is now "Project", it basically takes an edge and projects it onto the sketching plane you chose. While in Sketcher, it will be "Project" which is within the Sketching section of the Sketch ribbon UI.

