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Controlling referenced sub assemblies in Top level assembly


New member

I have a hydraulic module which contains some valves, pipes, hoses etc. If a drawing is created for this, all the components will be floating which is not the right way to represent. So I need few other modules(sub assemblies) for reference where this hydraulic module will be mounted to. But the tricky part is I do not need these reference modules to be visible(duplicated) when the hydraulic module is called in a top level assembly (as the top level assembly already have these modules). Please suggest any techniques to over come this, we did tried a bit with Shrink wrap, Envelop with skeleton but we are still learning this and not able to find the solution.
Just put two models in your drawing. 1) the hydraulic module which can drive the drawing format parameters and the BoM and 2) an upper level assembly that has the other components. If you don't want all the upper level components you can erase some of them or use layers or simplified rep to hide them.
They can also be filtered from the repeat region.
We put our referenced models as shrinkwraps in a skeleton model. This allows us to turn the skeleton on/off using layers in the model
and we do not need to filter out extra models in the BOM because skeletons do not show in BOM'S. We can also show referenced
models (shrinkwraps) on our drawings if needed.

