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convert DWG or DXF from Proe sketcher


New member

could some body would help me out to convert DWG or DXF from Proe sketcher mode (sketcher view of any drawn feature of the part).Rightnow if we save it ,it is getting saved only as dot sec file.

IT shold not be so complicated to do this .. just save your model or assembly "as" exported file form. Where exactly is the problem?
I ~think~ I'd save the .sec, new part file, read it in and export as IGES, SAT, STEP (probably that order of preference). To get a dwg or dxf will require (?)creating a drawing view and exporting from the drw. You could also isolate layers and export from the working part but that's probably as much or more trouble.

Do people still use dwg?
Hi Jeff4136,

I dont want to take this post out of topic. Just to add, many manufacturing related companies in India, their favourite software is Autocad. They are having all softwares with them but finally they take it to dwg format and edit the dimensions the way they want. There is nothing like 2d output of autocad.

Sorry again for taking you out of topic.


Deepak Bhat
Try to open the dwg or dxf as a drawing and save it. It is then a native ProE .drw file. If you want it as a .prt file open it as a part. I usually open them as a drawing to edit out the extra lines, text, etc, then out put them as IGES and import them into my start part or template file. The .sec file was because you either opened the data as a sketch or save it in sketcher mode.
Edited by: Joe Paul


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