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Convert Entities, Inplace Mates


New member
Hi, I'm a fairly new user, always looking for learning tools. Any ideas besides online tutorials, Help menu, class, and textbook? SW For Dummies is being sent to me soon.

Can someone please explain Convert Entities? What does that do? I followed a tutorial, and I have a "copied" hole - off the part. I think I followed the directions. Is it like copying?

What about inplace mates? I think these are automatically created when you make a part within an assembly instead of bringing it in. I've seen "In-Context" too and don't understand that much. Also, what's a good way to trouble-shoot assembly mate problems, and to practice deleting and re-adding mates? I deleted some, but tried to move them, and they don't move or rotate. Any ideas?

Thanks so much!
When you use the convert entities tool it will convert the selected lines or edges to the new surface or plane. Then when you changeor modified the original lines or edges the converted ones will change with it.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
With mates you want to make sure you pick a part tobe fixed so you can mate the rest of the partsto it.Its better to havea lot of sub assm's in larger assm's.
It will make it easer to figure out what youmessed up. If anything at all.

