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Convert pattern to Table Drivin


New member
Anyone use Table Patterns on a regular basis? Realy cool some of the patterns Im getting. Id really like to get a dimensional pattern and covert it to table so i could edit those points in a hindsight kind of way. Anyone know of a way to do that?

ie. get a pattern with dimension, realize you need that to be more complex..... convert that pattern (somehow) to a table and edit those nodes appropriately or as necessary. I can do it on my phantom drone with waypoints LOL
Can't you just redefine the pattern from dimension to table? I seem to recall doing that and Pro/E automatically filled in the table with the values from the previous definition.
Ill mess around and see if I can't figure it out. Okay. I patterned by dimension a simple pattern. Completed the command. Then upon edit definition simply switched to table. Converted.

I learned something
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