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Convert .PRT to .DWG


New member
I have recently come across the need to convert some 3D.prt files intoa .dwgthat can be read in Autocad R14. I cannot seem to find anything that will let me convert the files. I tried outputting an iges file and importing that into MasterCAM and outputting a dwg file from there, but it didn't seem to work very well. Any other ideas?
My hat is off to whoever coded the DWG and DXF "save as" portion of pro e.

It makes better DXFs than autocad/Inventor.

If you are using software that will have issue with splines make sure to check the box that converts splines to poly lines.

I have had great luck with doing this.

cpoirier said:
My hat is off to whoever coded the DWG and DXF "save as" portion of pro e.

It makes better DXFs than autocad/Inventor.

If you are using software that will have issue with splines make sure to check the box that converts splines to poly lines.

I have had great luck with doing this.


Thanks for the tip. I have experienced issues with that in the past (although, I don't translate .drw to .dwg very often.) I'll try to remember to look for that option.
A Pro/E part is a 3D model file and most AutoCAD .dwg files are 2D drawing files. You cannot go from 3D to 2D without creating the 2D in ProE (ProE drawing). So, you could go from 3D to 3D by trying to export .prt to .iges and bring it into AutoCAD 3D (if ACAD R14 has that capability) or by creating a ProE drawing (as suggested earlier) and then Save As to DWG.

I am betting that you could either create or buy a script (either Pro/Toolkit or Jlink) that would dump .prt files (on mass) into a standard drawing format with basic view template (having standard view layout) and then export to .dwg (either as part of the script or not). If you can mass create the .drw from .prt, then you could use Pro/BATCH to generate the .dxf, .dwg or .iges as needed to bring in to AutoCAD (or other programs). I am betting this is both not difficult to develop but also was already created by someone.

You might want to try asking some on some of the developers forums.

Good luck.
jdurston said:
A Pro/E part is a 3D model file and most AutoCAD .dwg files are 2D drawing files. You cannot go from 3D to 2D without creating the 2D in ProE (ProE drawing). So, you could go from 3D to 3D by trying to export .prt to .iges and bring it into AutoCAD 3D (if ACAD R14 has that capability) or by creating a ProE drawing (as suggested earlier) and then Save As to DWG.

I am betting that you could either create or buy a script (either Pro/Toolkit or Jlink) that would dump .prt files (on mass) into a standard drawing format with basic view template (having standard view layout) and then export to .dwg (either as part of the script or not). If you can mass create the .drw from .prt, then you could use Pro/BATCH to generate the .dxf, .dwg or .iges as needed to bring in to AutoCAD (or other programs). I am betting this is both not difficult to develop but also was already created by someone.

You might want to try asking some on some of the developers forums.

Good luck.

You going to get it to dimension the drawing for you too?
R14 is a pretty old version of AutoCAD, most programs will not create that by default.. Make a Pro/E drawing of your part(s) and do the file/save as. Pick DWG as the type of file. Be sure to use the pull down in the DWG version and select 14. That is the oldest version that WF4 will create. Don't know if you can still make one in WF5.
dross said:
jdurston said:
A Pro/E part is a 3D model file and most AutoCAD .dwg files are 2D drawing files. You cannot go from 3D to 2D without creating the 2D in ProE (ProE drawing). So, you could go from 3D to 3D by trying to export .prt to .iges and bring it into AutoCAD 3D (if ACAD R14 has that capability) or by creating a ProE drawing (as suggested earlier) and then Save As to DWG.

I am betting that you could either create or buy a script (either Pro/Toolkit or Jlink) that would dump .prt files (on mass) into a standard drawing format with basic view template (having standard view layout) and then export to .dwg (either as part of the script or not). If you can mass create the .drw from .prt, then you could use Pro/BATCH to generate the .dxf, .dwg or .iges as needed to bring in to AutoCAD (or other programs). I am betting this is both not difficult to develop but also was already created by someone.

You might want to try asking some on some of the developers forums.

Good luck.

You going to get it to dimension the drawing for you too?

I am not a developer, but I am guessing that would be A LOT more difficult to do.


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