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Donno if it goes in here, but I cant find anything closer.

I've been using Solidworks 2005 for some time and thought I was gonna try SW 2006. After the installation I changed some stuff in my CAD:s I've been doing for some time, but then I got some error message and had to close SW. After opening SW 2005, and open the same asembly I used in 2006 version, it wont open! It has been converted into future version.

Anyone who knows how to convert SW 2006 files back to SW 2005?
Hi there, Flippt, Welcome aboard the user forum. I've had the same problem you are having now as far as trying to go backwards on your drawing document. I will be watching for the answers to come back in and hopefully someone will have a great way to do it. The only thing I can suggest to you is that you try converting your drawing into a nuetral formatlike IGES or something of that nature. Then try importing it back into your older program. Don't erase the original file and give the new one a different name. You might have to do some mastering on the file to fix it up from the conversion but you should at least have most of it again. I wish you luck with it and let us all know how you make out with it. Come on guys and gals, pitch in with this one to help our new friend.
Thank you

How do I convert it to .IGES or so? Save as .iges?

Edited by: Flippt
Hi Flippt,

When you get the file up and running click on the Save As choice in the upper left menu. Your screen should then show a place that it will be saved in. Use the pull down menu at the bottom edge of that screen and choose either IGES or STEP file format or even both done separately of course. Thenclick to save it in that file format. Then open up a document from your saved files and look for it there. Click on it or highlight it and then click on open. It should pop up for you in your drawing area. At least that is how I have been doing it with a few other MCAD softwares that I use also. Good Luck again.

