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If this is a closed surface (hollow cube for example) you can click on the imported part, in the top tool bars select EDIT>SOLIDIFY.

If its open surfaces then use the same steps but instead of solidify use thicken and that will give you the option to thicken the surface.

You should also be able to export a .stp with solids.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
You have to close all the surfaces with the help of zip gaps(manual, automatic). Once all the surfaces are closed then use Edit>solidify. You will get the solid model. Hope this helps
You might try ...

RMB, Edit Def (the import feature).
Menu: Edit, Feature Properties, Make Solid.

It all depends on what you are starting with.

You might also look at (or for) a hlr_for_quilts (don't remember, exactly) config opt and see if you can use the non-solid for your purposes. Patching up a mess of an import is not a task for the faint hearted.


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