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converting sw2005 to sw2003


New member
Is there any converter that i can download in website because I got a sw2005-2006 tutorial cd that i got from ebay and I had sw2003 were I want to open some files from it but it said that I had old version of Solidworks.
Is anyone there to answer my question pls. Needs some advice to get that converter though??????
Not that I know of. SolidWorks is not backward compatible.

You can save the part as an IGES file in SW2005 and then if it's not too complicated, use FeatureWorks if you have it to regenerate the features. Saying that, if it's a CD tutorial, that wont be of much benefit. Also, you'll need to find someone with SW2005 or later.

I know that's not much help to you but CAD sucks in this way.

No such converter available....

Also viewers like Solidworks explorer is not usefull in this case.

All CAD softwares have no such compatibility like autocad to save in older versions..

Their is only wayi.e. get solidworks 2005 or above version. Also normally such CDs are not that much usefull.Also their is lots of changes between 2003 to 2007. Also u can get latest software tutorials from site. So if you have SW2007, then u can download these files.
I agree, there is no 'file converter program' for backward file translation in Solidworks. And there are A LOT ofchanges to theprogram from 2003 up to now (2007, with version 2008 about to be launched - with what seems to be a totally redone user interface).

I see from your profile that you are a student. If you are trying to learn Solidworks on your own, I can understand WHY you bought the tutorial cd on eBay. If buying Solidworks is not in your budget, there may be a way to get you a little more familiar with a more current version of the program, though. You were partially right with the cd purchase, but it was the wrong cd and the wrong place (ebay).

[url] 64595555[/url]

This is a link to for a cd and tutorial book called Solidworks For Dummies. It costs about $18 US. It is an interactive tutorial on SW2006. I have played around with it, as a teaching aide it is actuallybetter than most. The best way to learn Solidworks is screen time, not book time.

[url] 70129786/ref=ed_oe_p/103-5686653-8769436 [/url]

This link is for the next version which has not started to ship yet, I presume this will be an interactive tutorial on SW2007.

I hope that helps you.
Hi Angstboy, I do have Solidworks for Dummies I did bought mine but still I need more interactive tutorial such as the CD that I bought but there's some files(student work)that I want to open but say that it's not compatible to my SW 2003.I had a tight budget as you had see.Maybe i stick to tutorial cd and just use my SW 2003.Thanks to all who responded .

