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converting to radians in relations


New member
The unit measure of angle throughtout my model is apparently degrees. However, formulas I am using to generate values for other parameters depend on the angle measures being in radians.

Two questions:

(a) Is there any way ofconverting a value for an angle from radians (other than the manual using math of 2Pi=360deg)perhaps like the RADIANS() funtions in Excel? A lot of the math in the relations is already pretty complicated for others to read, I'd prefer use as much native stuff as possible.

(b) If there is not something like described in (a), how do I convert all the angles in my model from degrees to radians.

I would prefer to leave the angles in model degrees though, just because degrees is more familiar measure for others to look at

Edited by: 2ms1

Suggest using a parameter...

/* RTD = Convert from radians to degrees

RTD = 180 / PI

/* DTR = Convert from degrees to radians

DTR = PI / 180

once you have these you can use the parameter in other equations to get the desired units.

not exactly a quick and easy button, but it works. You were hoping for something simpler?


It is true it's simple and figured it was what I'd need to do in the end, but thought it was worth asking. Something like RADIANS() would really shout toignorant user what was going on in fomula just a tad more directly/unambiguously, but a DTR not too shabby either really
Edited by: 2ms1

