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coord system help


New member
View attachment 3577i

I have an assembly with a few parts and 1 of them is at a compound angle to the first part set in there by assembly refs

i would like to create a new coord sys in that part in relation to the first part

i did an analysis transform and get these numbers

so now what do i do with them?

its better to create co ordinate manually u use pro e fluid line module and then teleport it with referance to assembly or other thing to take referface from the as.

using copy geom from files command
i got it now

heres how i did it

used asm references in a dif assm

then went back to my sub asm

analysis transform selected my asm coord then the parts coord system

info save as xxx.trf

then created new coord system offset from current asm then switched to file and imported the saved .trf file

then redefined the constraints using coord system i created



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