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copies along a curve


I was able to create a pattern upto500 holes but 1500! I think I dont have that much of patience.I would suggest you to use unix operating system as it can handle upto 64 bit. it will never crash and you will be able to create it.


Deepak Bhat
Edited by: deepakbhat_nie
Sketch a curve. Put a point on the curve at a reference distance to a plane or cord length. Then place a cut on the point. Group those two features (not the curve) then pattern away.
Hi all,

thanks a lot for your help.

design-egine: I 've tried to group the two features, but I cannot pattern them. Which pattern do I have to use ?

Best wishes

You can use the dimension pattern.You have created a point by a zero offset, you have then created the hole with that point as in the pattern select the 0 offset dimension as the first Itemand give an incerment as 1/1500 enter 1500 in the number of pattern.It should work.


Deepak Bhat
whta the system doYou use?

if it is 2001 than the pattern function is included in group menu

if it is a Wf than make group and use pattern function
That many holes you need to make sure you use "Identical" pattern option. It is 10 times faster, each pattern feature must lie completeley on the same surface, it cannot touch an edge. You can also use a surface cut with capped ends, then copy the surface and pattern it. then do a "solidify". It used to be called "surface Transform" in 2001. It is several times faster than identical patterns.

