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Copy Geometry for Data Sharing


New member
In 2001 I would right click on a part then "Insert feature>Data Sharing>Copy Geometry" to copy a surface from one part to another in my assembly so I could cut to it. I'm now using wildfire and don't seem to have that option. I tried searching and came up empty. Any help would be appreciated.

In WF its (Activate the part that gets the surface) then Insert -> Shared Data -> Copy Geometry.. and define your surface references from which you want to copy surfaces...

Btw, you need to have Pro-E Adv.Assy package to do this. Copy Geometry options are not part of the basic foundation package.

Good Luck!

I ran into the exact same thing. I found that you can save your surface as an IGES then insert into the part you want to cut. Be sure to create coord system, I used offset coord so I could adjust my surface cut. Also make sure the IGES is a surface when you import it in or it won't work.
Anand is right, make an assy file, assemble both parts, then activate the part in which u need to data of other part, then select ur selection filter for geometry, select the surface u want to copy, then copy and paste then select as many surfaces as u need and save the part. itsthe easiest way to share data b/w parts.
Thank you very much!! I managed to get through the steps you posted yesterday. I just didn't know that I needed to "save the part" when finished. I tried it again this morning and "saved the part" and it worked great. Again, thanks.


