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copy geometry


New member
I have an existing .asm ( call it A.asm) that I have backed up toa different directory so that all of the .prt files and skeltons are all in one new directory- call the new one b.asm. The prokject is to rpelace a surface thatis imported as an.igs. My plan is to reload the imported .igs with the new surface.igs file and thn realignthe references that were used to create other parts form the new surface .prt in the.asm...

My questions:

1. should I back up or save as ...wil I corrupt the original by working with the new backup file? I though the to would be totaly idependent of each other?

2. I have some copy geometry in the .prt file. I tried to edit defintion but the reference and chains are all greyed out...why?
I don't know the real root or your problem. Why dont you just window copy the folder and later delete any files you dont want. You seem to have a similar problem i had with the assy layout files. If i had to pick from the two i would say backup, but windows copy is better when dealing with refereces (eg copy geom)

Still a bit confused. The skeleton files should contain all your reference data like surfaces. So if you have surface "A" in the skeleton and import another surface"B" into the skeleton then redefine each part that references "A" to the new "B" surface. The statement "The prokject is to rpelace a surface thatis imported as an.igs." where is this imported? In Assy, or parts?
there is another method, but first try it in another file and use it after proofing it ok. If you are exporting the surface from somewhere else, export it again and overwrite the file A.igs and dont rename it. Pro indicate it that the surface is updated and it need to be regenarate. It works on neutral file but I didnt check it for iges files. Please check it first then may it will help you.

