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Copy/Paste won’t carry trajpar relation


New member
Hello everyone. I have a model that I am trying to get a Paste Special to work with. I have a group of features including a couple of VSS. In one of the VSS, I have a trajpar relation. When I copy these features, everything copies as expected except the relation inside the VSS. The second VSS should have the helical trajectory just like the first. I can copy the relation into the VSS and it works fine that way. But I have a second VSS in the group that uses the helical curve as it's trajectory and It won't copy right without that relation. Has anyone run into this before? Any ideas? Thanks.
The sketch constraints are the angle from horizontal, which has the trajpar relation applied to it, and the length of the line.
I finally got it to work. I don't know why, but the VSS would not carry the relation with it during a paste/special if I was using composite curves as part of the references that were being replaced. After simplifying the part to a point where all I had to replace was two points, then the VSS carried the relation just fine through the paste.
it will if you use copy.. and paste special. you did not take the wildfire update training from 2001 or what? just jokn.

Now I read it closely and you were doing paste special and I want to delete the post and can't....

Edited by: design-engine

