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copygeometry redefinition


New member

When I import a datum, eg. a datum plane, by external copygeometry (in WF4) more than once, the datums get a suffix numbering them: PLANE gets PLANE_1, PLANE_2 and so on.

I have removed the double copygeometry from my part, and want the datum plane to show by it's original name. Is this possible?

It won't work by regenerating or redefning the copygeometry to other datums and than back...
I'm pretty sure the rename occurs because the name in question already exists in the model. Pro will not allow the same name in the model tree . . . . .

All the best . . .
The name in question no longer exists in the model, because I removed the multiple occurrences in the external copygeometry. The name of the datum itsalef does not occur in the model tree, because it's not a standalone feature but part of the copygeometry.
When adding the same copygeometry again (making it 'double' in the part again) the newly created datum does get the correct name.
So I guess ProE somehow remembers the name it has given a datum in an external copygeometry the first time it was defined and always gives it this same name again when redefining.
Deleting the copygeometry and making a new one will work, but that's too much unnecessary work, because it means repairing all following features.

I'll just leave it the way it is. It's not that important, just nice to have ...

BTW Your video tutorials are fantastic! I watched all of them some weeks ago and learned some really good tricks which let me get some things done a lot easier or faster!

