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copying drw with prt file


New member

It is my first post on the forum, i hope that it is in a right place.
I am a fresh user of Creo 2.0
While im using Creo with PDM i know how to copy prt file with the documentation. What do i have to do to copy prt and a drw too only in Creo 2.0? Is it possible? Or do i have to always make a new documentation?

I hope that my question is clear.
Thanks in advance.

ok, no need anymore.
i had to use command "rename_drawings_with_object"
and the drawing should have the same name as the part.
If your drawings do not have the same name as the model (ours never do), you can use file/manage file/rename. Be sure to check the "RENAME IN SESSION" check box. You will have to rename both the drawing and the model. Now you will have new objects in memory and the objects on disk will be completely unchanged. Be sure to save your new drawing before exiting.

