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Copying Layer Rules from part


New member
I have created start parts for my company, they have been using ptc supplied start parts until now. I created layers controled by rules, doing a thuro job. Default datums only appear on DEFault_DTM layer, Gtol datums only appear on the GTOL_DTMS layer, all other datums only appear on the Datums layer, and using exclude items from other layers to keep items from being on more then one layer... etc... basicly I have put alot of time into this and have a very intuitive layering system. This works great for all new parts i create using this start part, but we have years worth of models stored, and i want to copy these layers along with there rules into existing parts that were created with a different startpart. Using Settings/Setup File/Save allows me to copy the layers to a new part, but the rules associated with each layer are left behind. Can this be done, with out manualy creating the rules again? Iv considered creating a map key to do the job, but that would require me doing the entire process again to record the map key. Iv read that model check can control layers, but i have no experiance using model check. Any help will be appreciated.

Hello jsampson,

We are in the proccess of moving to wf2. Iget to startwith a clean slate and want to do it right. So I am creating start parts and being new to the admin role I am interested in any advice of what to include in my start parts. If you don't mind sharing it would be greatly appreciated.

You cannot bring in copied layers in an old part unless you make a mapkey to do so. I would suggest making a mapkey that deletes all current layers and creates your new layers and make sure the layer is associative so it looks back at the model tree. Just be careful making the mapkey in that you cannot take defaults you must pick every option because the next time it goes into the dialog box that may not be the preset pick anymore.

good luck
Jsampson69 would you be willing to share all this work you did with your start part.

May I have a copy of your it.

Did you ever find an answer to your question
csusie said:
You cannot bring in copied layers in an old part unless you make a mapkey to do so. I would suggest making a mapkey that deletes all current layers and creates your new layers and make sure the layer is associative so it looks back at the model tree. Just be careful making the mapkey in that you cannot take defaults you must pick every option because the next time it goes into the dialog box that may not be the preset pick anymore.

good luck

Hello csusie,

I am having trouble with running different mapkeys successively. I believe the cause is the same as what you have hinted at above. I've tried remaking the mapkeys several times but results are always different depending on the order of executing the mapkeys. While recording the mapkey, how do the picks in the drop down selectors (or dialog boxes) have to be made such that the selection is definite? I do not understand what I'm doing wrong that still allows the preset from previously executed mapkey to rule the currently run mapkey.

Can you help me?



I have the same problem. When playing the mapkeys several times, the layers haven't got always the same rules

Nevertheless, I pickedevery option when recording the mapkey.
if the option or tab is on the correct one, I will choose a different option or tab and then repick the one that I want. This makes sure you choose that particular option.
If you create an assembly place the layers and rules of your parts you can highlight the layers and extend the rules into the old parts. note this works in wildfire 3.0 not in 2.0
Actually, it does work in WF2, it just has problems with instances and components cut by assembly features. The software fails to reach down into the generic model to establish the new layers.

lslattery said:
If you create an assembly place the layers and rules of your parts you can highlight the layers and extend the rules into the old parts. note this works in wildfire 3.0 not in 2.0
Setting cmdmgr_trail_output yes in your can help make mapkeys more robust. It will include system instructions that are independent of user customization.
Hi jsampson69 (or anyone else),

Any chance you could be so kind as to share your layering rules with me? I'm embarking on the same journey you have just finished and it would REALLY help save me time and effort...

By the way, it sounds like you might be better off using the "Default_layer_model" option in your Sounds like it will perform the function you're after...
How can this setting help someone with legacy files:
A. Delete all existing layers,
B. Import the standard layers,
C. Assign rules to the layers?

I recall from WF 2.0 that the terminology used to define entities was very inconsistent, not only within the layering rule utility but was also at odds with the terminology used elsewhere in Pro/E. For example the term "curve" is used to describe a datum curve as we all know it but it also is used to describe a "sketched curve" which is actually something else. I called PTC but no one there could tell me where to find the precise definitions of the entities within the layering rule utility.

Is WF 3.0 any better or does anyone have the terms and definitions?


Edited by: Tunalover

