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copying parameters


New member
Hi ewverybody

Can anyone help me on following matter

I want to copy parameters from one model to another without copying features or creating parameters in new model.

Another case is I use a start.prt everytime to create model. But for a single one of my collegue has not used start part and completed model.The model is too complecated to create once again. I want to add my standard parameters from my start .prtin it without creating each & every parameter. Can anybody knows method to copy parameters without copying features.

Is there any method to do this.?
I was sort of hoping to learn something new here, but in the absence of that I'll offer how I've done it.

Open your start part and create a Model Tree configuration file that shows columns for the model parameters you want to propogate into other parts. Then when you open the parts with missing parameters or an assembly that contains them load this tree config file. You'll still have to define the parameter data types and input values, but it's a little slicker than opening the parts and going to the parameter dialog.

I think it might be possible to automate the process using Model Check, but am not sure 'bout that. I might have been misunderstanding what I was reading (check Help).

I thought I'd successfully tried using Merge from Other Model to propogate parameters by reading in my start part, then delete the merge, using WF1. WF2 Foundation doesn't have the command so can't verify and I might just be imagining it. If I do remember correctly it was more trouble than going the Model Tree route.
Use template start parts

Create a part with parameters you need for your project

Set in the config .pro the path until your design template part

If you create a new drawing always you have parameters inside if you use Default template

If in doubt mail me

Hi Moreshwar
just make a start part and define parameters as u needed. When u will use this part as template just make relations between dimensions and perameters.

You can do this in the model tree also, tree, column display, type, model parameters and pick what parameters you want to see and add to other parts.

I made a map key,starting in anempty part. Begin recording the map key, and create all your parameters as they are in your start part. Save the map key. Then, open models that are missing parameters and run the map key. Presto!

You can copy and paste the parameter information from a part with the parameters

to a part without the parameters, using Tools > Program > Edit Design.

I have saved the start part parameter list as a .txt file, so it can be used

when this problem arises.

Hi dear all

I have found out a New Procedure for copying only parameters to a new part/assy file that doesn't have parameters & really it works

Below is procedure
<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Copying Parameters to a part/assembly file that doesn

I just tried your technique, it worked except for one problem. Pro/E took the string parameters fine but would not take the interger parameters. It kept saying that the program file had errors. When I opend the program file the lines with the interger parameters were marked as containing errors. I changed them to string and Pro/E was happy. However, it is not possible to change a parameter type after is is created so I had to delete those parameters and enter them manually. I did not try real number or yes no parameters.

Anybody know how to get Pro/E to take parameters other than string?
Real easy way to load what ever you want into model or assy. parameters

is through the back door... the relation editor

save your values as txt then file open in rel editor... bring in the values..close the editor.. open it back up delete them all

they are now in the parameter table as strings and real numbers and yesno if intergers tho

and can be editted as you blew out the relation

mystring= "string"
myyesno = yes


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