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corrupt file grows larger and larger...


New member
Hello experts,

I have a problem that I have never seen before with a large SW assembly file. The file has been worked on by multiple people in a groupfor the last three years starting with SW2009,10, and now 11. The file us usually around 20mb but has recently balooned to 1gig without much work being done on it. In the process of tracking down the source all the features were deleted and the problem remained. We then opened an older version of the fileand it started growing at every save (even when no chages were made) and is destined to be just as large. This occures on multiple machines and we can't seem to isolate the cause. SW has the file and they are anyalizingitbut have not figured it out yet. Has anyone had a similar experience?. I'm at my wits end and need to keep the project moving. Any help is much appreciated.



