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Cosmetic threads displayed in sections


New member
I am having a problem where my cosmetic threads aren't all displaying correctly within section views. Threaded surfaces that are created by Pro/E's 'hole' funcion display correctly, but if I add a cosmetic thread surface manually that surface does not display correctly in a section view.

For example, say I have a machine screw and I manually add an external thread surface to the cylinder to represent my pitch or min. diameter of the thread. If I make a section view of that screw, the threaded surface will be shown incorrectly, as you'll see the start and end curves of the threaded surface. See the attached picture for reference, where I have both an internal and external thread on this round cylinder shaped part. You can see that both of the threaded surfaces I added are showing their edges where the threads start and end in this section view.

Any ideas on how to fix this? Edge removal does not work, already tried that. And I can't just hide that surface for the view, as I need to show the pitch diameter on the radial surface in this section.

View attachment 675
40 views, no responses.... Is everyone stumped like I am?

Would really like to find the solution to this, I can't believe I'm the first person to run into this situation. Did I describe the problem clearly enough?
The cosmetic thread is geared up to be the major diameter of the thread as opposed to the minor diameter.

In the parts I have made, I have modelled the minor diameter, and used the cosmetic thread as the major diameter.

Unfortunately, the cosmetic thread doesn't show up in the model unless you highlight the thread, but it does show correctly in the drawing.
2001: Advanced > Draw Setup > thread_standard (set to std_iso_imp_assy)

WF1/2: Drawing Options > thread_standard (set to std_iso_imp_assy)
Thanks skraba - that worked perfect!!!!

By any chance, do you know what the setting "_imp_assy" stands for? It obviously displays the threads correctly, but I was curious what this setting meant.
View attachment 691I'm in a similar jam....Help please?

I'm using Wildfire for about 6 months now...10 yrs on Pro.

I have a hole pattern that has cosmetic threads in it. There are several drawing views I don't want any of the cosmetic threads shown but I don't know how to turn them off or blank them?

As well, to add to my hair pulling I cannot figure out how to make a file to display on this board to show what I'm looking at? I hope when I know how to generate the pic I'll be OK to upload to this BB.

Edited by: BonesNTX
You can always manually remove cosmetic threads using the show & erase dialog box. Use the cosmetic feature filter.
Yes, Thank you but it is only working in the "View" selection mode.

I can't select individual cosmetic threads using "Feature and View" = nothing erases. Sometimes the view does flash and/or dissapear but re-paint brings is back with all the cosmetics still there.

When attempting to show a cosmetic feature using #Detail, #Show/Erase dialog box, the "Cosmetic Feature" button is greyed out and cannot be selected. It is avaliable if "Erase" is depressed.

Alternate Technique
See Resolution below.

The "With Preview" selection has been made under the "Preview" tab. Cosmetic features cannot be previewed. If this option is unselected the cosmetic feature button will become avaliable for selection. For more information, see "Displaying Items" in Chapter 3 of the Drawing User's Guide.


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