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Cosmetic threads with custom callouts and dimensions

Greetings all,

I am looking to make a custom hole/thread table for my company but have been unable to find a complete answer on how to go about this so far.
We use modified UNC threads all the time and our manufacturing requires that the major diameter and pitch diameter be listed on the print as a range (max-min)
For the first table I am making, we have undersized male threads from 1/4-20 to 4-4 both 2A and 2B. I was able to copy the default "UNC.hol" file and change the values that already existed in the table and give the "THREAD_SERIES" a new name so that I can use them as holes or cosmetic threads.
Now I need to find a way to add the major diameter minimum and the pitch diameter range to the cosmetic thread callout. When I add a new column to the table with the parameter "MIN_MAJOR_DIA" I cannot add this to the note.

Here is a picture of what the callout is supposed to look like (minus the 2 start)
8-11-2016 9-03-14 AM.jpg

Thank you in advance for the help!
Keep it simple

I created custom hol files a few years back and to the best of my knowledge this note would not be easy if possible at all. I am thinking custom feature note.

Just saying - I am not an expert but have been there and done that. Let us know how this works out.

