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Cosmetic Threads....


New member
Geez......... Is there a better option for these. How about just making the threaded feature a cut instead of the cosmetic feature. They are just a complete pain. Sometime you need to remove them. Just one more thing to put on a layer. I don't need the headache that they cause...
I'd agree that cosmetic threads aren't too nice in Pro/E... particularly when most of our parts have threads somewhere. We now tend to use datum curves (sketches) instead - ie: show the thread root on the front cross-section only.
Interesting idea, but I find datum curves a bigger pain than cosmetic features since you can not do show/erase. Plus you would not get the correct representation in an end view.

Why don't you use a revolved cut to make your holes than using the hole set feature? I find the hole set thing more of a PIA then doing revolved cuts.
I like the hole feature, but I don't like the cosmetic thread part of it. If I could have the option to make the cosmetic thread a cut instead of the cosmetic I would do that over the cosmetic. The cosmetic becomes a pain down the line with layers and show/erase..
Once again I am to the point of working with the dreaded Cosmetic thread feature. Why Why Why can you create a assembly cut in a component and it is part of that component, but when you make a cosmetic feature in an assmebly it shows up everywhere. I end up erasing these features over and over. Why Why Why can't they some how be attached just like the hole itself?

I am slaming my head into my desk and there is no pain compared to these intolerable cosmetic threads!!!

