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Creating a 2D feature?


New member
I need to provide a centerline that can be easily used as a tool path on a flat surface. It is from a single line font and it will be engraved by the cnc dept using GibbsCAM. I need to create a 2D feature on a surface of the part that will still exist when GibbsCAM does the Import. So far I can get the model/part into Gibbs fine. However, the engraving geometry exists only as a sketched curve and therefore Gibbs doesn

Try this:

  1. <LI>Create the geometry you want to use for your toolpathas a sketch feature in Pro/E.</LI>
    <LI>Export as IGES or STEP and check the "Datum curves and points" check box.</LI>

View attachment 444

Import STEP or IGES into Gibbs. Please let me know if this works for you. (Works in Mastercam).

Thanks for the idea. What I finally got to work was extruding the sketched datum geometry into a surface and exporting it a surface Iges file. Gibbs has a neat feature called the profiler that is a movable plane that extracts linear geometry from any surfaces it intersects.


