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creating a new part


New member
Hi pro/e's

i have modelled one part. i want mirror of existing part as a new part with model tree features. is it possible?
yes, create a new assembly then assemble your part first , now create a new part inside the assembly and use mirror with copy option, now proe will ask for the plane to mirror about. After you select the plane you will have the part with model tree and exact mirror.

This is true but I believe that you must not use any reference from the assembly as the mirror plane. This could cause an unwanted reference back to the assembly.
No. You must select an assembly reference to make you mirror part. After saving it, you can delete your assembly, but not the original part.

You can also copy your original part (prt.001) under a new name (prt.002). Open prt.002 and then redefine the features to have the mirror of the first. So you haven't any unwanted reference, but it's longer than the first method especially if the part had lot of features.


