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Creating datums On The Fly in WF 2.0


New member

I am new to this forum, and to Pro/E Wildfire. I amfamiliar with 2000i. I recently started a new job where they have WF, so I am in the process of locating exactly how to do all the things I already know how to do.

So I am trying to create a counterbored hole with the CB on an angled surface, not perpendicular to that surface,and I want to do it with just a round extruded cut. In the past I could start the feature and then create a plane on the fly, using the many plane creations methods available when creating a plane at any other time.Well, I am not finding an option to create a plane after starting either sketcher or feature creation. All I see is the option to select an existing plane, and I don't want to have a bunch of silly planes cluttering up my model.

Sorry if this is too n00bish. I searched help and even this forum, and could not find an answer.

Edited by: AchrisK
Once you start sketcher you cannot create a datum but if you start the extrude tool, then hit the datum plane creation icon it will "pause" the extrude while you create a datum plane to use. From there you can use that datum plane to create a sketch on while the extrude is still paused or create an internal sketch by resuming the extrude feature. After completing the extrude feature it will auto group the features you created.

