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creating intersection curves


New member
Not sure what it may be called (if you can even do it) in Pro, but in SW I used to be able to create what was called an intersection curve in a sketch. Basically, while sketching on a plane you can create a sketch entitity (intersecton curve) between the sketch plane and an intersecting surface (such as a drafted wall).

I would like to be able to do this for a feature I'm working on but am not sure how I can translate teh intersection between my sketch plane and my solid into a curve. is there a simple way to do this or is the way more complicated than it's worth?

I'll still look for a work around but any help would be appreciated.

If you want to create intersectio of surfaces or curves than just create two curves(or surfaces, but be sure that they are intersected) and select them both by holding CTRL key and than click>EDIT>INTERSECT....But if you are working with solids and not with surfaces than you can also remodeling what you need with surfaces and than use Thickness option or if your surfaces areclosed and fully mergedthan you can use Solidifi as well...simple intersection of two curves and of two surfaces (Wildfire 2.0)>

good luck.

Edited by: Miko

