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Creating Wiring in WF2


New member
Hi there everyone,

I've got a problem creating a rep of a wire in an electrical assembly. I want to join a wire from a resistor to a terminal, I know PTC use harness for this but I ain't got it!! Any help would be great.

Please see attached JPEG.


RobView attachment 1413
Hi All,

I've now created a wire!!! I was using the sweep protrusion command and it wasn't letting me use the curve that I have modelled as a trajectory. Turns out in Pro E you have to use Variable section sweep!! Solidworks would laugh in the face of this!!! I've used 2000i, 2001 and Wildfire then used Solidworks for a year and a half, oh to be back using that, I think my next contract will be!!! PTC, SORT IT OUT!!!!! CRAP.


