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Creo 2.0 configuration settings saving


New member
OK, so we upgraded to Creo 2.0 a few weeks ago. I made sure to back up my file and such so that my settings would move across. I did that and started customizing the new UI and other settings.

I will say that it is nice to have all of your settings consolidated into one tabbed screen so you can move from section to section to adjust things. in the past, you had to change system colors independently of mapkeys, independently of other settings so this change is very appreciated. Welcome to any Windows program written since about 2002 PTC!

at any rate, I was very diligent about saving my file in Creo. but it's not entirely obvious because you don't actually click a SAVE icon, instead you must EXPORT the file. OK. not a huge deal but still, Exporting and saving aren't necessarily the same thing but heck, I'm an engineer I at least could figure that out after a moment or two of thought.

in addition to changing system colors and the like though, I had also customized my ribbons quite extensively to suit the way I wanted to work. becasue you can navigtate from tab to tab in the settings pane, I assumed that when I exported my settings, ALL OF THEM would get exported.

Well, we had some installation issues that required a delete and reinstall of a newer build. And that is when I learned that saving/exporting isn't always performing the same task.

here's the screen when you enter the options menu


there are three sections. the top part has options to change the environment, colors, model display, etc.

below that are your U/I screens that you can modify.

below that are your license and what really used to be your file (configuration editor).

in the bottom left is the export configurations option. You click this to export/save your file thus saving your settings. one would assume, quite incorrectly, that you must do this when you make any changes to any of the sections.

the screen capture shown is when you are in the customize ribbon tab. while you can clearly see that there is an export configurations icon in the bottom left, there is also an Import/Export icon on the bottom right. This is the one that you must click to actually SAVE/EXPORT your changes to the Ribbon and U/I. obvious? i think not. if you customize your ribbon and then decide to make a system color change, you must first make sure you export your configurations.ui file before you then navigate to the system colors tab. if you only export your configuration file after you make a change to the system color, you aren't really saving your changes to the ribbon.

to further complicate the issue, if you go to the configuration Editor tab, both Export icons are present but in this case clicking either icon will actually export the file.

So, depending on which section of the settings you are in, you will either get only the icon in the bottom right that saves the file, you will get two export icons that actually save/export two entirely different files yet you aren't told that this is the case, or you get two icons that save/export the same file.

nice and consistent? I'd expect nothing less from PTC!

if you have one window with nothing but settings, hitting save should save all of the necessary files at once. At a minimum the user should be notified which freaking export icon to click when making changes.

these are the kind of things that I just don't understand. let's just forget the fact that with this change to the software PTC is just copying SW and SW has had this functionality from the beginning but PTC can't even copy it properly!

end rant.
michaelpaul. thanks for pointing that out. I wondered wht I couldn't get Creo 2 to save anything. I still can't get it to keep my setting to maximize the screen on startup.
One thing to watch for with the config file saving (exporting) is that while Pro/E will automatically load up to 4 config files on startup and you can manually load additional files, exporting will create a file with EVERY SINGLE SETTING COMBINED IN IT. It will then be up to you to manually sort everything back the way you meant it to be. This has supposedly been fixed in Creo 2 M030 which was just released in the last week but since you can not order a DVD yet I have not tried it.

So they not only did a bad job copying SW, they fubared their own long time functionality.
You've got to wonder about the quality of PTCs quality
system - how can new interfaces be this buggy and get
released. The programmer will know.

Is it because they're using Agile?

It suggests that underneath the cover is a big mess !
Edited by: moriarty
moriarty said:
You've got to wonder about the quality of PTCs quality
system - how can new interfaces be this buggy and get
released. The programmer will know.

I can say that PTC has improved in their quality control over the years. Version 20 was horrible and they took a lot of flack because of it and promised to make sure it wouldn't happent again.

However, Creo 2.0 is so wrought with issues that it is bringing back the horror of version 20. If I hadn't already created so many new parts in Creo 2, I would revert back to Creo 1. M030 has some things fixed but still has many issues.
Its the same old chestnut - project management verses
quality - you can just hear some PM saying "ship it or we
loose our KPIs!"

I'm not sure PTC's processes have got the users at heart.
Edited by: moriarty

