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Creo 2 drawing leaders


New member
Went from Creo 1 to 2 today.
When I pull a dimension up or down from the left or right side of a view, it now only gives the option to flip the text. What happened to the little boxes I could use the drag the leaders?
Great to hear you are keeping up with the latest and greatest version of PTC Creo.

The drag boxes that you refer to have been replacedby right-click options to minimise accidental movement and confusion on screen.

There have been improvements to the dynamic selection capabilityof the mouse cursor indicating dragging "hot spots" when hovering over the dimension entitiesand this will in turn show the available editing capabilites.

Hope this helps point you in the right direction.
I'm not sure how you call this an enhancement? I used to have full control over my dimensions .... now I don't.

With a radius dimension, sheetmetal thickness, chamfer, rounds etc....this is what I am finding.

I used to be able tomove the text andthe extension elbows would stretch leaving the extension line where I left it..... now it is not possible.

I used to be able to just grab the drag box beside the dimension of a radius dimension and drag it to the other side of the extension line and create an elbow at any length I I have to right mouse click to flip the sides.

If there is a config option to allow me to use the WF behaviour, I would like to know what it is.

If there is a way to allow me to move the text and have the extension elbow stretch, I would like to know what it is. (and the Move Text button in the Dimension Properties dialog does not give me the desired behaviour)

IMHO - this is not an enhancement .... in this case, an enhancement would be to add a config option that allows us to control this.
To move the text and increase or decrease the elbow length,
hold down the shift key and hold down the left mouse button
over the text and drag.
Hey Herb

Thanks for that ..... I don't know that I would have found that one without your help.

On to the next one ..... moving the Z-Dimension text and extension lines!
Thanks! This seems like absurd behaviour but as long as I know...
To move the text and increase or decrease the elbow length,
hold down the shift key and hold down the left mouse button
over the text and drag.
The long version to move your text is to go to properties for the dimension and click the move text button. Thanks for showing us the shortcut Herb!

