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Creo Freeform Blending through Style Feature problem.


New member
Hi all,

I'm currently using the Style Feature for the first time and once I create my curves and surfaces, I seem to not be able to solidify the feature. Below is a screenshot of the error when I try to solidify and the feature itself that I'm trying to solidify. Any help is much appreciated and if I can provide any more information, please let me know.



Thanks in advance!
upload the model or at least insert links to pictures in higher res - the ones you attached to the post are not "clear enough" to say at least

in general, to solidify anything, it has to create close quilt: no yellow/pink edges in the "no-hidden" dsiplay mode.

If such exist, this means you have "open" quilt, no way to solidify. So first close all such gaps.

